What are the forms of payment you accept?

  • We accept United States based cards: credit, debit, and gift cards. These must be issued with the Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express logos.

Do you accept PayPal?

  • Yes, we do accept PayPal.

I received an error message that my order cannot be completed but I was still charged. Why?

  • When your card is reviewed and declined, the funds are placed on hold instead of completing the transaction. This may be due to the payment information being entered is incorrect or an invalid payment option is being used. Your funds will return to your card in 3-5 business days. If you do not see the funds back in your account after that time, please contact your card company for further information.

Do you accept debit cards?

  • Yes, we accept United States debit cards. They must be issued with the Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express logos.

Do you accept gift cards?

  • Yes, we accept United States gift cards. They must be issued with the Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express logos. Please ensure a billing address is associated with the account. All orders require a valid United States billing address to process an order.

If you accept PayPal, can I use my PayPal account which has an international card attached to it?

  • No, it must use United States currency tied to a United States billing address to process an order.

Do you accept money orders?

  • No, we do not accept money orders. Please see above for the forms of payment we accept.

Can you provide me a discount code for my order?

  • Our discounts are applied during promotions. Please follow us on our social media pages or sign up for our Newsletter for announcements on upcoming promotions.

Can I pick up my order instead of having it delivered?

  • We only offer shipping options at this time. We do not have a store front for pick up orders. 

The tracking shows the package was delivered but I didn’t receive my package. What if I have a lost or stolen package?

  • Once an order has shipped, Echelon Touch is not responsible for lost or stolen packages confirmed to be delivered to the address as entered for the order. The customer must enter a safe and accurate address when entering their shipping address. Please contact the carrier for any information regarding the delivery. Have your tracking number available to provide to the carrier to assist with the investigation.
  • Once an order has shipped and tracking becomes available, we recommend the receiver be available on the estimated date of arrival of the package or the receiver to contact the carrier to schedule a pick up at the holding facility.

Do you ship internationally?

  • All orders ship within the United States. We do not ship internationally at this time.

Do you ship to PO Boxes?

  • Yes, we can ship to PO Boxes.